Weaverville Fire Department Auxiliary
Meeting August 7, 2013 5:30 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
Introduction: The meeting was called to order by Tina Scott at 5:35 p.m. Tina Scott introduced herself and Chief Scott Alvord. She briefly explained the need for forming an auxiliary and what the auxiliary will be doing for the Weaverville Fire Department.
Members officially signed up: Tina Scott, Tania Alvord, Bonnie Miller, Lisa Guglielmina, Marjie Watkins, Serena Brown, Briana Gaulke, Herk Emmons, Mike McMillan, Bob Miller, Larry Hardin, and Larry Guglielmina. Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Joe Morrell, and Lona Davis.
I. Goal of Auxiliary- Tina threw out some ideas and projects that the auxiliary would be involved in. The main goal of the group will be to support and meet the needs of the firefighters during and after a fire incident, fundraising, food prep and delivery, and many other ways to help the department. Chief Scott Alvord was at this first meeting for support in forming the auxiliary and gave advice on how to structure the group along with some ideas on forming committees or support sub-groups.
II. Committees: What type of committees are needed- There were many ideas for committees presented; fundraiser, medical, food, publicity, firefighter logistics, and equipment committees. Committees were not officially formed.
III. Nomination of Officers: Short discussion on the offices being held for one year, and the Vice President position is a training position to take on the Presidential position the following year. The meeting was opened to nominations on needed officers. Nomination, Second and Carried
A. President- NSC Tina Scott as President
B. Vice President- NSC Bonnie Miller as Vice President
C. Secretary- NSC Lisa Guglielmina as Secretary
D. Treasurer- NSC Marjie Watkins as Treasurer
E. Logistics- NSC Tania Alvord as Logistics
IV. Discuss Meeting Days and times-Meeting days and times set as: Once monthly on the first Wednesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Weaverville Fire Station One, 125 Bremer Street.
V. Topics for Next Meeting: fundraisers, projects, ideas- For the next meeting it was suggested to discuss the following; by-laws and nonprofit status, Serena Brown to check with her Mom to see how they had formed the auxiliary years ago, types of support and committees, and each member bring a friend at the next meeting to expand. Committees need to be formed, and one specific item was to do a muster fundraiser in conjunction with a spaghetti feed in October.
VI. Open Forum: How do you vision the auxiliary- Short discussion on the services the auxiliary will provide and possibly the idea of expanding to help other departments in the future.
VII. Next Meeting Schedule – September 4, 2013 5:30 p.m., 125 Bremer Street
VIII. Adjourn- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.